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E-Commerce Web Design Now Easier Than Ever

Posted: Sunday, September 19, 2010

What was once reserved for your basic computer nerd is now easy enough for anyone with rudimentary knowledge of a computer and the Internet. E-commerce web design is no longer scary and if nothing else, it is simple as long as you are willing to do a little research and take your time.

E-commerce web design is for building websites that sell products or services via the Internet. E-commerce web design is not country specific. Anyone in any country can build an e-commerce site. For instance, if you are planning to build a UK e-commerce site, you would first need to decide if you will offer the products or services, you sell outside of the UK. A UK e-commerce site is no different in e-commerce web design from a US based site other than the monetary unit that will be used. So if you are planning on selling outside the UK, then your UK e-commerce site would have to offer an exchange rate for those customers who live outside of the UK.

E-commerce web design can be achieved through many free services all over the web. These companies will host your site while providing the tools you need to build the site from scratch. Following a simple template method, these sites guide you through the process with ease. By the time you are finished you have a completely professional e-commerce website that is ready to accept visitors and sell products and services.

Be careful when choosing your free hosting service. It will do you no good if they are offering the same products you are on a different site while advertising on your site.
E-commerce web design is no longer a pain in the neck. With basic knowledge, you can design a site that fits your needs. The major hurdle being traffic to the site. Do plenty of research on bringing customers to your site before opening for business.

A. Is E-Commerce Recession Proof?
Everybody is affected by a slow economy.
E-commerce and Internet sales have been on the rise ever since the Internet first hit mainstream. This day and age, we are able to buy vacations, sporting goods, clothing, electronics, insurance, cars, lawn mowers, and anything else you can dream of. Though Internet sales are slowing, in many cases, e-commerce has proven to be quite resilient.

Why does the Internet thrive so well in such a terrible economy? Speculators suggest the idea that with more and more consumers pinching their pennies and trying to find better ways to spend their money, they are turning to the greatest place to find the right price, the Internet. Also, studies have shown that the affluent, being the minority, make up a majority of the Internet revenue.

E-commerce has slowed just like the rest of our economy but it has stilled proved to be extremely resistant in the face of a bad economy. At CODANK, we offer custom development of E-commerce web sites tailored to whatever you have in mind. Contact us forA more information.

B. E-Commerce Website Design vs. Web Design
Conversion refers to turning visitors to a website into paying customers, and the "conversion rate" of an e-commerce site is hugely dependant on how potential customers feel about the site itself. When designing a website, what is the difference between e-commerce web design and regular web design? Can you design an e-commerce website just like you would an informational web page? E-Commerce Web Designers

When an Internet user visits an e-commerce site, he/she is often looking to buy.

Since turning browsers into paying customers is the way for an e-commerce site to make money, e-commerce website designers must keep in mind the importance of creating trust and good feeling with potential customers. Before deciding to spend money, most online customers look for security, convenience, and accessibility, and a successful e-commerce site must make all three a priority. This means that sales websites must put more effort into logos, mottos, designs, etc., than non-commercial websites.

Shopping Carts
The ease and convenience of e-shopping carts, shopping baskets, etc., is an important factor in converting browsers into customers. Because of this, most e-commerce website designers should offer custom shopping cart design for websites.

Security and Merchant Accounts
The biggest reason why online shopping is such a huge industry is convenience. And what makes shopping online so convenient is the ability to pay online securely with credit cards. Of course, all of this specialized knowledge requires specialized training, and an e-commerce web designer needs to be trained in this highly specific field. An e-commerce web designer must know both regular web design and the specialized skills in the areas listed above, as well as other e-commerce related areas.


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