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Free Website Design Tips For Beginners

Posted: Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Free Website design need not be difficult. However it does require careful planning and insight. Even a hobbyist needs to implement good web design to ensure a steady flow of visitors. What more an internet marketer?

Free Website Design Tips
An internet marketer or owner of an ecommerce
site isn't just thinking of convenience for their audience, even though this is a priority; he or she is also thinking of profitability. Everything must be set up to encourage your guests to buy, buy and buy.

Use Attractive Graphics. When people see something attractive, they are more likely to buy it than a similar item that looks plain. Pictures sell, so make yours look nice. Always display your flagship product(s) foremost. Internet marketing of a product/service is like posting a job resume. You want to highlight your most marketable assets.

Less clicks, more buys. Don't burry your merchandise in a stack of links. Your free website design must make purchase fast and easy.

Set your target. Decide on what your target audience is, and pursue them. Honesty and integrity are priceless. On the other hand, never trick your guests into making a purchase they don't intend. Be honest about your products or services. To be really helpful, you can write detailed, informative articles about the general topic of your site. For instance, if you sell air purifiers, you can provide interesting essays on air pollution, housecleaning, and allergies.

Name your price. Would-be buyers are easily turned off when they fail to see a price tag. You're here to sell, so name your price. Be interactive. The internet makes communication with clients easier. Provide a feedback form, mailing address and telephone/fax number. Now if you really want a professional experience for your clients, you can go to a quality online webmaster shop with free or cheap software and services. A small investment there can go a long way to making your site more competitive.

A. Free Website Designing Templates!
What is a website template?
Website templates are main attributes of a website. The main function of website template is to generate and produce web pages at a fast speed. The algorithm and the programming language of a website template remain pre-defined and work schematically once given instructions.

Why is it important to have a good website template?
If the template of a website is not attractive, people will not visit the site frequently. A good looking website template is eye catching and it shows the creativity of the web developer, designer or web master. Starting up a website requires both time and money. Free website templates solve both problems at the same time.

Flexible website templates:
Creative web developers always try to create and deploy applications in templates which are flexible and easy to maintain so that users of the websites can work freely, without facing any problems in the template For more details go to While creating website templates, web developers must keep in mind that the adulterate of infrastructure should be as low as possible. The website template developers sometimes face the problem of calculating combination of business logic and presentation logic.

The world of free website templates:
Everyone does not have willingness to hire web developers for building a website. It is rather easy to create a website these days because there are thousands of web templates available For more details go to Good thing is, there are a lot of free website templates available as well. Moreover, most of the free website templates come with free licensing. Additionally, website templates come with miniature advertisement and other presentations that make the website even more attractive.

Types of website templates:
Free website templates can be found on fashion, sports, movies, business, corporate world, Blogging etc. Free templates can be easily customized and used as a basis for anyone’s website.

Copyright issues:
One has to be aware of the copyright laws regarding free website templates.

End talks:
If one chooses the free website templates carefully, things will roll very fast.

B. You Can Find Out One of the Best Free Website Designing Software to Use for Your Webpages!
Setting up a free website for yourself or for your company can actually help increase sales or income for your company or business. Whether it's a free webpage or paid web hosting, you can take advantage of it by setting up one today. With your simple computer basic training, you can easily design your own webpage. If you don't have a website on the internet today, you can only use words of mouth or traditional forms of marketing to promote your business or activity to the rest of the world. You must not learn about domains, web hosting, ftp and other features of running a website in other to design a free website. Here is your first option!

What about setting up a free blog? With this option, you don't have to pay for hosting or learn ftp, register a domain and the other headaches associated with running a site? You can easily set up a free blog at blogger this blogging website is owned by Google.

You can use your free website/free blog to educate your customers or friends and to help them learn more about your services as well as your personality.
For can visit to: Most people are curious about the person who runs a shop or company so let them see a bit of your background and history too if you feel comfortable doing that.

Your second option is to use a free website deigning software (WYSIWYG as it's normally called) to set up your own website. You don't also need any knowledge of HTML CODE or website designing skills to use this software to write and publish your website within minutes. You can find out one of the best free website designing software to use for your WebPages, through my resource box, after reading this article; if you're interested anyway.

If you eventually decide to go for the second option (which I do recommend) you'll also be secretly learning how to design a website without even knowing what you are doing and having to learn HTML CODES. You can as well use free blog at logger together with the free software. Putting up your free WebPages in 30 minutes or less can't be easier than this; if you follow my advice. The only thing you'll need to design a free website for yourself or for your company is your computer basic training.


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