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Use Your Legitimate Internet Based Home Business to Sell Exclusivity

Posted: Monday, October 24, 2011
Online income businesses are a lot more cost effective to run than the bricks and mortar type, but in these difficult economic times even they are failing and more and more businesses are closing their doors.

There is a way that it is possible for these internet businesses to increase their chances of survival and that is to offer more exclusivity in the products that they are selling.

Exclusive products will appeal to people in many different ways and at different levels. As an example people to whom status is important will always spend money no matter what the state of the economy is. Those in the lower income groups will also consider buying something exclusive if they feel that they are getting a better quality or more valuable product. You need to make sure that your product is still priced at a point where you are still able to sell it.

As a typical example let's look at the way people view clothing. There was a time when only the rich and famous wore designer label clothing, but today everyone from young children to adults aspire to own clothing and accessories with designer labels. These items are in actual fact no better than any other clothing that is available at less than half the price, but that is not what is important, people are attracted by the perceived status that goes with the designer label.

What you need to do with your legitimate internet business is develop the same kind of awareness about the product that you are promoting. How, you might wonder are you going to do this?

One method that you can use is to talk about all the exciting details that your product offers. If you are marketing an affiliate product then you could use a pre-sell page or landing page to promote the product. You can do this by sending your visitors to a pre-sell page first where you can build excitement by giving them the great details of what to expect before they even reach your website.

The idea here is to have your own unique pre-sell page which is totally different from the page provided by the affiliate company, which is the page that every other affiliate marketer will be using. In this way you are creating an immediate feeling of exclusiveness.

When things are unique they appear to be exclusive and if you highlight the features on your product in a way that makes them appear to be luxurious and go into great detail about the unique qualities your product has people will begin to believe what you are telling them. This is why copywriters will write such long sales copy on their web pages. Although to you it might become boring when you have read through it several times, to someone visiting your website for the first time, it can be very exciting.

When people are easily impressed by status them spending extra money on something does not phase them. Generally if they spend more than their budget actually allows they will feel as if they are getting something which is more exclusive than their peers can aspire to.

The beauty of this strategy is that it will create a viral effect and your sales will begin to increase dramatically because you will then be marketing from an exclusive position of status. With this kind of marketing your legitimate internet home business will grow and the state of the economy will not impact on your business in any way.

If you enjoyed this article by Michelle Jayes then visit her website for more great ideas and business opportunities and sign up for her free newsletter

By Michelle Jayes


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