
Designer handbags do not come cheap. Even fake bags can really look authentic, so it is important to learn how to spot the sigs that your bag might not be worth the money you paid for it. For example, if the bag is made out of leather then you should be able to find the leather logo engraved onto the inside of the leather somewhere on the bag.
You should also check that the stitching contains no loose threads, and that these threads are also of a high quality: completely even and matching the bag perfectly.
Bag Lining: The lining of the bag should be made out of quality fabrics such as silk, where the designer name will also be printed on the inside of this liner. Accents to the bag will never be made from cheap plastic if it is a real designer brand, and there will always be leather underneath the top layer proving its genuine quality.
Hardware: The hardware of the bag is also an important indication as to whether the bag is genuine. The brand name is nearly always also engraved into the hardware that attaches to the strap, and in many cases designers will use plastic faces to protect the hardware before the bag is purchased.
Certificate of Authenticity: One of the best ways to check the authenticity of a handbag is when it comes with a certificate of authenticity, containing the logo of the manufacturer as well as other information about the bag. There will often be serial numbers on the bag, though not all designers use these.
The most important factor in determining the quality of the bag is when a deal sounds far too good to be true. Most of these bags can never be purchased at such a cheap price, so you need to stop and think whether that seller on eBay is really offering you genuine quality. Be extremely wary when being sold cheap designer handbags.
Sometimes you might not mind if it is a fake designer handbag and purchase it anyway, but always remember that these kind of bags are actually illegal. Think long and hard about how much you really want an illegal fake designer handbag.
A. Ways to Mark Fake Designer Cloths
1. All designer clothing fakes have low prices in comparison to genuine mens designer clothing. Before purchasing browse around and see the normal prices for designer clothing. For example, fake Prada Jackets Outrageously low prices should make you cautious. Neat Designer Clothing have some of the lowest prices on men’s designer clothing, a good idea is to check their site before purchasing as a good guide for base prices. It is now a legal requirement for all websites to have full contact details (Address, Telephone, Email etc…). I would also suggest avoiding EBay as this has a lot of fake designer clothing listed on the site from foreign sellers.
2. Once of the biggest giveaways of fake designer clothing is the material of the product. Nearly all fake designer clothing is cheaply made using low cost and inferior materials in comparison to genuine designer clothing. If possible examine the garment and if buying on line look in detail at large photographs of the product. Fake designer clothing the stitching is normally of poor quality and details such as the brand name on labels will be missing. Look closely at the fine details.
3. The majority of fake designer clothing is imported from cheap mass production countries such as China, Thailand, Japan (mostly Asia). Even though there are fake designer clothing sellers in the UK you are less likely to become a victim of illegal fake designer clothing by buying from the UK. In the UK if you unknowingly purchase fake designer clothing, through the ‘Distance Sellers Act’ you have 7 days to return the goods without penalty (full refund). Buying mens designer clothing can be quite a costly affair. Majority of the designer clothing comes from leading designer firms in the industry.
B. Beware of Fake Designer Clothing and Fashion Accessories
The selling of fake or counterfeit designer clothing and fashion accessories online is a booming business and more and more people are finding out the hard way that that it is easy to get riped off when trying to save some money when buying designer clothes and fashion accessories online.
Fake designer goods are virtually without exception inferior products, so if you intentionaly buy knock off designer products then you have no right to complain when you finally see what you get. Cheap fabrics, crooked stitching, glue blobs on sneakers and buttons that quickly fall off are standard on fake designer products.
The real tragedy of course, is when someone pays good money for a designer product and an inferior counterfeit product arrives at their door step. Many Asian countries are literally flooded with counterfeit products, so you should always avoid buying high end designer products that are shipped from them. Also, it is now a legal requirement that all websites have full contact information listed on them. A legitimate dealer will always have contact information listed, so clients can easily get in touch with them.
You should also check that the stitching contains no loose threads, and that these threads are also of a high quality: completely even and matching the bag perfectly.
Bag Lining: The lining of the bag should be made out of quality fabrics such as silk, where the designer name will also be printed on the inside of this liner. Accents to the bag will never be made from cheap plastic if it is a real designer brand, and there will always be leather underneath the top layer proving its genuine quality.
Hardware: The hardware of the bag is also an important indication as to whether the bag is genuine. The brand name is nearly always also engraved into the hardware that attaches to the strap, and in many cases designers will use plastic faces to protect the hardware before the bag is purchased.
Certificate of Authenticity: One of the best ways to check the authenticity of a handbag is when it comes with a certificate of authenticity, containing the logo of the manufacturer as well as other information about the bag. There will often be serial numbers on the bag, though not all designers use these.
The most important factor in determining the quality of the bag is when a deal sounds far too good to be true. Most of these bags can never be purchased at such a cheap price, so you need to stop and think whether that seller on eBay is really offering you genuine quality. Be extremely wary when being sold cheap designer handbags.
Sometimes you might not mind if it is a fake designer handbag and purchase it anyway, but always remember that these kind of bags are actually illegal. Think long and hard about how much you really want an illegal fake designer handbag.
A. Ways to Mark Fake Designer Cloths
1. All designer clothing fakes have low prices in comparison to genuine mens designer clothing. Before purchasing browse around and see the normal prices for designer clothing. For example, fake Prada Jackets Outrageously low prices should make you cautious. Neat Designer Clothing have some of the lowest prices on men’s designer clothing, a good idea is to check their site before purchasing as a good guide for base prices. It is now a legal requirement for all websites to have full contact details (Address, Telephone, Email etc…). I would also suggest avoiding EBay as this has a lot of fake designer clothing listed on the site from foreign sellers.
2. Once of the biggest giveaways of fake designer clothing is the material of the product. Nearly all fake designer clothing is cheaply made using low cost and inferior materials in comparison to genuine designer clothing. If possible examine the garment and if buying on line look in detail at large photographs of the product. Fake designer clothing the stitching is normally of poor quality and details such as the brand name on labels will be missing. Look closely at the fine details.
3. The majority of fake designer clothing is imported from cheap mass production countries such as China, Thailand, Japan (mostly Asia). Even though there are fake designer clothing sellers in the UK you are less likely to become a victim of illegal fake designer clothing by buying from the UK. In the UK if you unknowingly purchase fake designer clothing, through the ‘Distance Sellers Act’ you have 7 days to return the goods without penalty (full refund). Buying mens designer clothing can be quite a costly affair. Majority of the designer clothing comes from leading designer firms in the industry.
B. Beware of Fake Designer Clothing and Fashion Accessories
The selling of fake or counterfeit designer clothing and fashion accessories online is a booming business and more and more people are finding out the hard way that that it is easy to get riped off when trying to save some money when buying designer clothes and fashion accessories online.
Fake designer goods are virtually without exception inferior products, so if you intentionaly buy knock off designer products then you have no right to complain when you finally see what you get. Cheap fabrics, crooked stitching, glue blobs on sneakers and buttons that quickly fall off are standard on fake designer products.
The real tragedy of course, is when someone pays good money for a designer product and an inferior counterfeit product arrives at their door step. Many Asian countries are literally flooded with counterfeit products, so you should always avoid buying high end designer products that are shipped from them. Also, it is now a legal requirement that all websites have full contact information listed on them. A legitimate dealer will always have contact information listed, so clients can easily get in touch with them.
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