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How You Can Create New Product Design?

Posted: Saturday, October 9, 2010

You're working 24/7, eating nachos out of a box, drinking every high octane drink you can get your shaky hands on and no longer laughing at the reruns of Cheers...that you've seen twenty five thousand times...and you're no longer sure if anyone else lives in the house with you -welcome to product design burnout!

You hear tales of brave individuals who quit their job and struggle to make millions of dollars a short time later. If you read the fine print and do some digging many of these unfortunate souls who succeeded had buddies, say Harvard educated buddies, with millions of dollars sitting around. If not, protect your family at all costs. For more details Don't laugh, Simon Cowell, of American Idol fame, moved back in with his parents when he was in his late twenties after his first business went bankrupt.

Keep going - but remember that enjoying what you're doing - even if you're getting your teeth kicked in - is a must. Not always easy but if it was everyone would be doing it...thanks Mom.
1. It's also a great time to meditate, brainstorm and absorb other ideas, images and experiences that may not at first be relevant but could become a the tipping point in design, marketing or even the launch of your product. Jewelry, tattoos, dogs, buildings, stuff in the street. Everything is a resource so feed your brain and let it stew. For more details Remember that garbage in equals garbage feed it the best of everything.

2. The magazine section of your local bookstore is an excellent resource with hundreds of topics/ideas at your fingertips. Buy a tasty beverage and hit the books! Don't be afraid to delegate when needed and relax before it becomes mandatory. Your success is worthless if you don't have the health to enjoy it.

A. Web Design Jobs - A Great Way To Make Money Online!
If you happen to know anything about creating and designing websites, then by all means, you must use your talents to augment your income or earn even more. There are many web design jobs available nowadays. No matter how good the products of the businessperson are or how good they are in handling their offline dealings, the cyber world is a different matter. There are many things that they have to take into consideration in creating the kind of website that they want to be their representation to the online market.

Your role as a web designer is very vital to the success of your clients with their online venture. Here are some references to help you with such goal.
1. Check out online job boards every now and then. You will be amazed at various web design jobs available at such sites. This is one great proof that this profession is in demand. While you are on the lookout for jobs, you must also be aware that scammers are abundant online. You don't want to waste time and effort for unpaid services. To be sure that you are on the right path, you must do your thorough research about your clients. You can execute this action online. Or if you have friends or colleagues who have tried such course, you can ask them for leads and useful tips on how to spot genuine clients from the fake ones.

2. There are websites that allow you to create a professional profile. So before you sign up for this, you have to make sure that your resume is at its best and you have proofs of your past work that may increase the chances for potential clients to notice you.

B. 7 Things to Do When You're Between Design Jobs
Whether you're a freelancer or a cube farmer, as an artist or designer you'll probably have some time between assignments or jobs. Instead of allowing yourself to be consumed with worry - a useless state in any case - you can choose to use that time productively and ultimately grow personally and professionally.

1. Work on your portfolio.
How long has it been since you've visited your portfolio website? Your portfolio is a primary tool in your marketing efforts, so putting in major effort here will pay off handsomely later.

2. Edit your resume.
Have you included your latest jobs or assignments? Does it present the best possible picture of what you've accomplished so far? Be sure to take care of important details including grammar, spelling and punctuation. (Would it surprise you to learn that hiring managers will often relegate your resume to the trash when you neglect such details?) If writing and editing are not your strong points, trade favors with a writer or editor. If you haven't already done so, bring some order to your financial life. For example, make sure your bank accounts balance, your checks are filed (if you still get the paper copies from your bank), and your bills are in one place and paid regularly. If you're a freelancer, make sure you keep your personal and business accounts separate. Organize your receipts into folders by year. Open a retirement account, even if you only fund it with the minimum amount. If you're in dire straits, call your creditors and work out a repayment plan.

3. Clean up your space.
If your workspace is messy and disorganized, there's no better time to fix that than now! Sort everything out.

4. Learn a new skill.
Read some books. Practice a new skill. If you don't have money to pay for a course or buy books, head for your local library. If you haven't been in for a while, you'll be surprised what modern libraries offer. Check out your local or regional schools or governments for free or very low cost courses.

5. Take care of yourself.

6. Network.
Use this time to renew your existing friendships, and actively work to enlarge your personal network. The best networking is mostly free. Talk to people. Go to gallery openings, attend civic events, take part in online forums and chats. A robust social network has been proven to buttress personal health and well being. And, tellingly, the best jobs and assignments frequently come through people we already know. Use your skills as a volunteer for an organization you support. Or learn and practice new skills. If you can't think of anything, call your local volunteer organization - they'll have plenty of ideas.

7. Improve your living space.
Now you have time to paint that room, fix that faucet, recover that chair. No money? Take a vacation if you can afford it. Catch up on your sleep, read that book you've been waiting to read, take a bubble bath, get outside with friends. The day-to-day stress of work and life can deplete our inner resources; this is the time to recharge the well of inspiration.


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