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Indian Fashion Dresses - Accentuate With Fancy Hand Work

Posted: Wednesday, December 7, 2011

By Bobby Iyengar

Many women have started purchasing Indian fashion dresses nowadays. This phenomenon is catching up in the western world, maybe due to the heavy influence of the Bollywood movie industry. From a practical stand point, this trend is the result of two reasons. The first reason is that these are cheaper compared to regular fashion dresses and so the cost of dressing up for a specific occasion can be made lower. Secondly, because they are not yet the mainstream of the fashion industry, these Indian fashion dresses end up bringing on a lot of attention and eye twisting towards the women that wear them.

If you have purchased ghagra cholis or sarees that are generally a solid plain color or ones with light printed designs, then you can convert such a simple attire to a gorgeous fashion attire by adding on some fancy handwork.

In this category, you can add on some handmade embroidery or even purchase small textile art work from a local fabric store and stitch them on yourself. If you have some patience, then you can stitch a few lines of beads along the borderlines and a few sporadic beads along the body and suddenly you would have breathed new life into an otherwise simple dress. Bathik work and small mirror embroidery handwork may be more time consuming, but are sure to elevate your dress into a royal class all by itself.

Thus by adding on some fancy handwork to your Indian fashion wardrobe collection, you can end up with a gorgeous outfit that does not cost an arm and a leg and break your purse!


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