After reading the latest headlines of fashion designers choosing not to utilize Women of Color in their fashion shows and on their runways, it is a bit paradoxical for me. The designers and all whom are representatives of these designers, receive funds from these African-American actresses without even thinking about it. Okay....is it me or are these designers attempting to create an illusion of a Black Woman on their runways? The bronzed skin, nice full lips, and hair extensions are beautiful character traits and features of Women of Color.
When it's time to walk the runway, all sorts of thought is put into the justification of why Black Models aren't being utilized. So the question is: "Can The Fashion Industry Really Continue To Thrive and Survive If African-American Spending Power Came To A Complete Halt? Note to designers: Why not place a tag in your clothing so that African-Americans can steer clear of your particular designs that states the following: "This Collection Is Not Designed For African-Americans. I Do Not Utilize Black Models In My Fashion Shows Because They Are Just Too Darn Beautiful To Look Ridiculous!"
So...whose really keeping these fashion designers in business? "When a Black Model walks the runway she undoubtedly commands attention, she dominates the runway, and she compliments the designs which then brings them to life." Black Women are blessed with natural curvaceousness which is a bit intimidating in some environments. And yes...negative remarks are made about an African-American Woman's attractive figure, but the last time I checked...butt and hip implants from non-black women was at an all time high!
No one in this world -including fashion designers- is qualified to cast judgment.
Black Women purchase the high-fashion magazines whose editors have been reported as saying "Black Faces On The Cover of Magazines Just Doesn't Sell!" Black Women attend the fashion shows and also wear the designer's clothing where Black Models are non-existent on the runway. Black Women all over the world easily carries the latest Louis Vuitton Bags, the latest Prada Bags, the latest Gucci Bags; and can buy whatever they desire.
After reading a particular internet news report, Prada did not employ at least one Black Model in its show this year. Black Women spends thousands of dollars on the same designers clothing whom never utilize Black Models. Action must be taken to exclude the Black Dollars from ending up in the fashion designers pockets who do not utilize Black Models on their runways. Action must also be taken to put a halt to the spending power of Black Women who purchase the fashion magazines where editors claim Black Faces doesn't sell.
I buy all of the high fashion magazines each month depending on whose on the cover - didn't matter whether it was a black model or a white model. I refuse to spend money on magazines without any Black Models on the covers, photographers who don't shoot Black Models, and to see the advertisements of the fashion designer's clothing whom did not employ Black Models on their runways. If the magazines exclude Women of Color (of which I am) on their covers, as well as informative write-ups and articles relating to Women of Color; who would I identify with?
The truth is this: "Black Women are very exotic, sensual, beautiful and sexy; which results in feelings of intimidation from those who are responsible for a Black Model's success in the industry. The fashion industry thrives on purposely smashing Black Models self-esteem and confidence as a way of feeling powerful, which is really a feeling of ignorant false self-confidence. Note to Fashion Designers: "Stop and think for a second. While you are so busy keeping your runways white, be clear about your objectives and preferences; and stop spray tanning your non-black models brown, adding texture to their hair with hair extensions, and plumping up their lips.
A. Where to Find Affordable Trendy Fashions
Even with today's economy there isn't any reason you can't still buy trendy and fashionable clothing. There are several things happening today in the world of fashion that can actually work well to your advantage when it comes to buying clothing.
Take a look at some of the higher end fashion sites on line. It's not unusual to find fashions from designers such as Jean Paul Gaultier, Versace, Zac Posen, Michael Kors and Tracy Reese (just to mention a few) at sales offering 50% and up to 65% off.
What's happening now is that lower cost fashion design houses are experiencing an increase in sales. They're seeing a very large and new gap that needs to be filled in the fashion industry. You'll find these affordable fashions at lots of different stores, stores far from Rodeo Drive. Even Target and WalMart are expanding their women's clothing sections.
Take advantage of fashion magazines. What, you say, the same magazines that sell high end designer fashions that I can't afford? Yes! I buy the issue that focuses on a particular fashion season.
Just a few weeks ago I bought a fashion magazine that focused on the new Spring fashions. Some of the trends they mentioned were black and white patterns and geometrics, safari fashion and metallics. I saw skirts, pants, shirts, shoes, handbags and accessories that I could work well in my wardrobe that would prove that I'm both fashionable and trendy as well as thrifty!
B. Finding Careers in the Fashion Industry
What does the future hold for jobs in the fashion industry?
Check out some of the top fashion industry jobs, and learn what you can do to work your way into one of these exciting careers.
Fashion & Retail Management
If you love fashion and you've always wanted to own your own business, a degree in retail management could be right up your alley. Courses in fashion sales, retail history, and more can give you the experience you need to enter the field with confidence.
Management Salary Points.
Fashion Merchandising Careers
Fashion merchandising is an umbrella term that covers a range of careers, including: Merchandise managers " Fashion buyers " Fashion marketers " Fashion sales
Even those who specialize in creating window dressings for department stores fall under the category of fashion merchandising.
Fashion merchandise managers see a lot of use in today's fashion economy. "Today it's the merchandise manager who carries the weight," Marvin Traub, a retail consultant, told the New York Times. Merchandising Salary Points. Wholesale and retail buyers earned $53,580 in 2007, the BLS reports. That same year, purchasing managers across all industries earned mean annual wages of $90,430.
Fashion Designers
When you first think of jobs in the fashion industry, you might picture famous fashion designers like Donatella Versace or Michael Kors. Whether you're dreaming of small-town success or a big-city dream, training in fashion design can get you there.
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